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=== R ===

Rahab the harlot
A woman of Jericho who helped the Israelites and became an ancestress of Jesus Christ. Although she repented of her earlier life and took up the worship of Jehovah, her past still haunts her. (Gal 6:7) When she is resurrected the unfortunate woman will not be pleased to learn how frequently down to this date people still referred to her as Rahab the harlot, as though her former career were a part of her name. Of all the mentions of Rahab in my online literature, the word harlot appears in the context of 31 of them and prostitute in 21. (Compare {Wise King Solomon}.)
raised in the Truth
Essentially the same as {born in the Truth}, i.e., taught the Truth by believing parents from an early age. Not all persons raised in the Truth were born in the Truth. If one or both parents accept the Truth when a child is still too young to have little memory of anything else, the term can still be applied. For that matter, not every person born in the Truth is raised in the Truth. Parents are sometimes negligent about teaching their children God's will, and some children just refuse to learn it.
A price paid to release someone or something from capture. The teaching that Jesus Christ was God's heavenly spirit son who came to earth to live as a man, and die sacrificially, giving his perfect life in exchange for the redemption of all mankind, is one of the primary doctrines of the Bible. (Heb6:1;Mat20:28)
A form of American popular music wherein the lyrics are rhythmically chanted over a wallpaper background rather than sung melodically. The style has been nurtured particularly by inner city youths, among whom it is touted as a significant art form. Like other styles of popular music, it has been used as a teaching device by Satan to promote the ideals of rebellion and immorality. Some people believe that even if this kind of music were used exclusively to sing God's praises and preach the truth of his Word, it would still be singularly ugly.
The system of classifying films by content so as to warn the public about material that may shock or offend some viewers or that may be considered unsuitable for children. The ratings range from G (for general audiences) to XXX (hard core pornography). The key issues that the ratings board look at are subject matter, language, violence, and sexual content, including nudity. Individual tolerance levels vary, but the general consensus among Witnesses in the USA seems to be that most people find movies rated PG-13 (parental guidance recommended, no one under 13 admitted without a parent) to be about as raunchy as they can handle. Not a few avoid anything stronger than PG (parental guidance recommended), and some refuse to see anything that is not rated G. Unfortunately, the rating system itself is not consistent, and some films are hard to classify. Also, a milder rating is no guarantee at all of the quality of a film, any more than it can be said that a film with a stronger rating lacks quality. The ratings are based solely on the criteria listed above.
reach out
To sustain effort to make notable advancement, often to achieve some specific goal. (Compare 1Ti 4:15; 1Ti 3:1.) It is not only those seeking appointments of service who reach out. Each person must continuously set reasonable {personal goals} in order to obtain Christian {maturity}, become more pleasing to Jehovah, and gain proficiency in doing his work. <<It is recommended that children begin to reach out for the pioneer service while they are still very young rather than first thinking about it when they are nearly out of school and starting to wonder what they will be doing with their lives.>>
The usual name for a computer file that is put in a directory of collected items, intended to guide the explorer to look there for information as to what it is all about.
The process of getting {baptized} for a second time. This is necessary only in cases where a person realizes that his first baptism was not performed according to scriptural requirements. [g94 1/8 26, 27]
Sharply expressed disapproval. In contrast with a {reproof}, a rebuke may be a censure without any laying bare of fault by the presentation of evidence. <<Jesus rebuked [the demon], saying: ``Be silent, and come on out of him!''>> (Mar 1:25) It was like saying ``Shut up and beat it!'' He didn't mince his words, didn't say please, and didn't bother to explain himself.
recommended lodging list
A list of hotels and motels sent to each congregation before conventions with which the Society has arranged for lower rates for those attending the conventions. All persons, including those who can easily afford other accommodations, are strongly urged to select lodging only from the list, because it strengthens the Society's negotiating position with hotel management, making it easier to obtain lower rates for all persons attending.
Activity that provides refreshment or diversion, especially following a period of work. Modern people often associate it with {entertainment}, but entertainment is only one form of recreation. Most anything that constitutes a change of pace may be considered recreation, even if it is pursued strenuously. Participating in a sport, camping and hiking, exercise, reading, going out to dinner, having friends over for conversation, practicing music, and pursuing a hobby are all forms of recreation. Some serious-minded people believe recreation is a necessary evil, and that a very little bit should go a long way. Others plan their lives around their desire to have fun. The word recreation is not used in NW, but the concept is certainly there. (Compare Ecc 2:24; 3:13.) Because twentieth century people are obsessed by recreation, especially in this country, it is a frequent topic for articles in the Society's literature. It should also be noted that the Bible teaches that Christian discipleship is itself a form of refreshment, not a burdensome chore from which one needs to take an occasional break. (Mat 11:28, 29)
Reference Bible
Short name for the publication New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures With References. [Rbi8]
In favor of change. This expression has been used by those who apply it to themselves so as to suggest they are thoughtful, loyal, liberal, and progressive, all very positive attributes at face value. Do not be misled! Reform-minded has become an insidious code word that really belongs to persons well on the road to becoming {Bad Guys}, i.e., closet apostates. (Compare {push ahead}.

Persons who describe themselves as reform-minded often do so anonymously. Why? They maintain a front of loyalty to Jehovah's organization, and are still active Witnesses. Some even seem to be serving presently as elders. At the same time it appears that they become involved in surreptitious discussions, speaking against the faithful and discreet slave, its Governing Body, and its way of managing Christ's belongings on the earth. They must be afraid to be identified with their covert activities and subversive ideas.

In case anyone has any doubts, the author of this Glossary is emphatically not reform-minded in the sense that those who have created the term use it, regardless of claims to the contrary that certain Bad Guys have made on their Web sites. Furthermore, my advice to persons who entertain ideas of siding with those who characterize themselves as reform-minded is the scriptural exhortation: <<``My son, fear Jehovah and the king. With those who are for a change, do not intermeddle. For their disaster will arise so suddenly, that who is aware of the extinction of those who are for a change?''>> (Pro 24:21, 22)

Short for {Regional Building Committee}. Sometimes just the single word is used for short to designate the committee, all who work under them, and their activities. <<The Regional is taking over control of our hall renovations.>>
Regional Building Committee
A group of elders, many with experience in matters pertaining to the construction of buildings, trained to develop methods of building {Kingdom Halls} quickly. These groups now supervise and lend assistance to most {quick build} projects.
Regional Engineering Office
Offices that operate in Japan, Europe, and Australia, to handle technical construction matters of design, drawings, and the like. [jv 332, 394, 400]
regular auxiliary pioneer
See {auxiliary pioneer}.
regular offer
Synonym for {current offer}, sometimes used to distinguish from the {magazines}. <<If the householder has previously shown interest in the magazines, on your next return visit you may want to try placing the regular offer.>>
regular pioneer
A full-time preacher of the {Kingdom good news} who agrees to reach a goal of 1,000 hours of {field service} time in a year.
regular publisher
A {publisher} who has turned in a field {report} for each of the last six months or more consecutively. (Compare {active publisher} and {inactive publisher}.)
The action of restoring to the congregation a disfellowshipped person who demonstrates repentance. <<Because he has taken every possible step to right the wrongs he committed two years ago, we believe it is now appropriate to recommend we accept his request for reinstatement.>>
To feel joy. Rejoice can be used with an object, meaning to cause joy. <<This great gathering of loyal subjects must surely rejoice God's heart.>> This form is less often heard, but is perfectly legitimate.
1. A new {publication}. The {Society} uses conventions to highlight the launching of new printed materials for our use. Each new one is referred to as a release. <<We got three new releases at the district convention.>> 2. To make a new publication available. <<Brothers who own personal computers were excited when the Society announced that it would release much of our literature on CD-ROM.>>
release talk
A {district convention} talk designed to preface the {release} of a new {publication}. It is not advertised in advance that a new release will follow the talk because the Governing Body likes people to be surprised, in order to heighten the impact. Despite this, word spreads rapidly from the earlier assemblies, so that by mid-summer most people, except those who like surprises and have asked not to be told in advance, know what is coming and when. <<My husband is giving the Saturday morning release talk at the assembly next week.>> Ahem. How does she know, and since the information is supposed to be confidential, why is she telling others about it? For a likely explanation see the last bullet under {neoproverb}.
Related to a matter at hand. I included the word because it is often mispronounced as REV-el-ant. Don't.
Service to and worship of God. The word is a perfectly good one, and nowadays is used freely in connection with {true worship}. However, it has negative connotations in the minds of some people. Before 1950 it was regarded by Witnesses as essentially synonymous with false {organized religion}. <<In 1938 Witnesses paraded through the streets wearing sandwich signs that said ``Religion is a snare and a racket!''>> (See the footnote, [jv 567].)
religion bashing
The practice of making jokes about false religious practices. This is a frequent pastime of Jehovah's Witnesses, an activity that sometimes leaves them limp and exhausted from laughter. (Compare Psa 2:4.) Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses love people, and so generally avoid the temptation to chide individuals, especially by name. Rather, they tend to find humor in the illogical beliefs and practices of false religion and the consequences to which believing in them sometimes leads. <<A priest, a minister, and a rabbi were discussing how they divide up the contributions....>> Fill in your own favorite variation.
An adherent to some religion. Although that plain definition would make Jehovah's Witnesses religionists, the Society's literature consistently uses the term to refer to others, e.g., religious professionals, hypocrites, scoundrels and fanatics. A scan of my online literature collection found 179 occurrences. All had the flavor of the examples: <<The religionists, both Catholic and Protestant, are conspicuous for their arrogance, self-conceit, impiety and ungodliness.>> [w79 9/1] <<These anointed Christians, not the religionists of Christendom, ...>> [w94 12/15] <<Today Jesus' correctly taught followers do not join in with the religionists of Christendom in saying the spurious words: ``Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.''>> [w64 4/15]
All of the remaining {spirit-anointed} ones living on earth at a given time during the {last days} as a collective whole. <<The remnant numbers just a few thousand persons, according to the latest Yearbook.>>
To take away a privilege of service, especially of a Society appointed responsibility. Servants and pioneers guilty of wrongdoing requiring a {judicial committee} are disqualified from continuing to serve and so are automatically removed from office. (Compare {step down}.)
rendezvous [obs]
A prearranged meeting place. The term formerly designated a place to meet for field service. The word is taken directly from the French language and is pronounced RON-day-voo. <<This week the rendezvous will be at the book study location.>>

STORY: The reason for discontinuing the use of this term is probably because of its similarity to tryst, i.e., an agreement between lovers to meet.[164] One sister's unbelieving husband was upset whenever she told him she was headed off to a rendezvous, until he realized she didn't mean she was two-timing him.

[164] Or in Scotland: a cattle market. Go figure.
To repent is to change one's mind concerning some action or conduct, usually accompanied by a feeling of regret. When serious wrongdoing is committed by a Christian, it is not the magnitude of the wrong, but the evidence of heartfelt repentance that determines whether that person may continue as an associate of the congregation. True repentance is a feeling that tells us if we had opportunity to do something all over again, we would do it differently. Therefore, it is foolhardy to plunge into a course of wrongdoing on the assumption that one will repent later. Yet, that seems to be the thinking of persons who abandon their marriage mates for another, thinking that after some suitable period of punishment they will automatically be restored to the congregation in good standing. (Compare Gal 6:7.)
Short for {field service report}. Sometimes used by itself as a verb. <<She forgot to report last month.>> The sister did not turn in a field report.
That which is designed to convince others of their having erred, in order to move them to acknowledge their mistakes and correct these. This is accomplished largely by opening their minds and hearts to God's thinking on matters, exposing the wrongness of their course to the light of Scripture. (See the Insight book [it] article on REPROOF; also compare {rebuke}.)

NOTE: The word is frequently misunderstood and misused. (Compare {public reproof}.)

resolution, congregation resolution
1. A decision, usually about the disposition of congregation funds, that is written out, voted on by the congregation before being enacted, and officially recorded. <<The congregation approved a resolution to help Sister Dripsopper pay for a new roof on her house.>> 2. Proclamations adopted at conventions and circulated throughout the world. On pages 426-7 of the Proclaimers book [jv] there is a discussion of seven resolutions adopted between 1922-8. A chart summarizing them is on page 261 of that book.
A reduction of service {privileges} resulting from judicial discipline. <<We have decided to reinstate Brother Foulball, but feel it is necessary to impose full restrictions on his privileges.[165]>>
[165] One privilege that is never restricted is field service, because it is a command from God to preach to others.
The Bible teaching that the billions of human dead, both the righteous and the unrighteous, will be brought back to life on earth. (Act 24:15) <<Everyone knows where babies come from, but where will the resurrected ones come from? Will they materialize out of thin air, grow out of the ground or what?>> This is a question about the new world about which many people are anxiously awaiting an answer. (But see {speculation}.)
return visit
1. A second or later call upon a person who has previously shown interest in the {Kingdom message}. <<I have made at least twenty return visits on the man I met at a bus stop last year.>> 2. Sometimes the term is used to refer to the person himself. <<My return visit agreed to come to the meeting this Sunday.>>
Literally, ``a revealing''; the name of the last book of the Bible. Don't say or write ``Revelations'' (plural).[166] John received only one unified Revelation, albeit in a series of visions.
[166] The fact that many people who should know better do is why this reminder is necessary.
Worthy of profound adoring awed respect. The word is presumptuously assumed as a religious title by some of Christendom's clergy. <<The benediction for Saturday's Las Vegas Revelries Night will be offered by the Reverend Lucky Lonnigan, and as a convenience for those who stay late or fall a little short during the evening, the Most Holy Righteous Reverend Mugsy O'Toole, will be available at the confessional.>>
righteously disposed
Inclined toward righteousness. A host of intangible factors, both hereditary and environmental, affect the kind of person we are at heart. Some are cold and unfeeling, with little natural regard for spiritual matters. In others these topics strike a responsive chord. (Mat 5:3, 6) The Bible itself notes that some persons have a predisposition to grasp the {Truth} when it is presented to them. (Act 13:48) It is obviously easier to move to positive action persons whose desire is to do the right thing when shown what it is, as compared to first having to instill in them a motivation to do it. (Compare {honest-hearted one}.)
ring of truth
The figurative sound of authenticity. People build faith in points of truth by means of evidence. (Heb 11:1) Ultimately each one is obliged to draw his own conclusions about what he believes in his heart to be true. (Heb 5:14; Rom 12:1) Sometimes evidence includes information other than cold, hard, provable facts in the scientific sense. Are arguments presented based solidly on the Bible, or is it at least logical and reasonable? Is a presenter of evidence speaking with frankness and candor, not hiding or minimizing the shortcomings of himself or others, or attempting to slant the facts? Is his testimony free from ulterior motive? Does the evidence harmonize consistently with all that is already known? If so, we might say it bears the ring of truth. <<Although the external appearance of things provided grounds for suspicion, his frank and forthright explanation of them sounded a ring of truth.>>
See {SR}.
An electronically wired guard dog of equine dimensions. In a wealthy part of our territory, people have large fierce-looking dogs that are allowed to wander freely in their yards without any physical restraint to prevent them from running away, enabling them to approach and maul at will any God-fearing ministers headed up the walkway. The dogs have electronic devices attached to their collars that zap them when they get some electronically preset distance away from a monitoring device, theoretically discouraging them from going any further. I'm not sure what happens when the power fails. <<Mayday, Mayday! Robodog at 10 o'clock!>>
Roman Catholic
See {Catholic}.
{AMOOFL} for ``rolling on the floor laughing''. This one comes up often in email communication. <<Upon reading your story about the dog that ate the Awake!, I found myself ROTFL!>>
rotten review
A snidely humorous term for the {written review}, probably originated because some people find written reviews difficult. Spoken entirely tongue-in-cheek, of course.
route call
Someone who is visited regularly in {service} because he usually is willing to take the latest magazines. <<Let's drive down to the next street because I have three route calls there.>> (See {magazine route}.)
roving mikes
Microphones that are carried by {mike handlers} to persons who make comments at meetings from their seats.
The {clergy} dubbed God's people Russellites, i.e., followers of Charles T. Russell, in harmony with their own tendency toward sectarianism. This name was never considered appropriate by Russell or more than a few of his associates. Because it was never adopted for general use by Witnesses it is not marked obsolete here.

STORY: My daughter heard that Brother Russell died on a train. Being unaware that in those days trains with sleeping cars were the primary mode of cross-country travel, she assumed he was the victim of a train wreck. When she told me this, I responded, while {ROTFL}: <<Naw, you got it all wrong! He actually died in a bungee jumping accident, leaping off the Brooklyn Bridge.>>

rut call
Tongue-in-cheek variation of {route call}. It is usually applied to someone who has been visited regularly in service for an extended period of time, always takes the literature, and is willing to talk, but never progresses. <<I need to fill out my time for the morning. Let's make a rut call on Mr. Stoneheart.>>
1. Common AMOOFL for {return visit}. <<I logged sixteen RVs this month.>> 2. Also an AMOOFL for ``recreational vehicle'', a behemoth and expensive transportation device that serves a dual purpose when owned by Witnesses. RVs may be used for camping and traveling, but more significantly, they are capable of delivering hordes of Witnesses to a territory site, like landing craft dumping marines on the beach at Normandy. <<I was able to pack nine people into my RV for a morning of RVs.>> A case of inefficient planning.

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The Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese is written and maintained by

Lynn D. Newton

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Last modified: Wed May 6 21:14:37 MST 1998