Glossary of American English Hacker
=== Q ===
- QB
AMOOFL for {quick build}.
- Question Box
A short column that answers a current service oriented
question, a frequent feature of {Our Kingdom
- questions for study
See {study questions}.
- Questions From
A short article that answers a reader's Bible question,
published near the back of many editions of {The Watchtower}.
- quick build, quickly built
Quick build is used as a compound noun to describe a
Kingdom Hall that was built in a very short amount of time,
sometimes in a single weekend, using advanced planning methods
developed by the {Society}.
<<We're doing a quick build
down in Grand Central Gulch next month.>> Sometimes the quickness of the
build is more a matter of spirit and intent than reality due
to uncontrollable circumstances. <<Our quick build took over three
months to complete because of the inspections required by the
city.>> The more grammatical
form quickly built appears in the Society's literature,
always as a modifier. <<Three
brand new quickly built Kingdom Halls were erected within the
same circuit last year.>> But
most people continue to use quick build as a noun, as
in the first two examples.
- quotes
Double quotes: ``...'' are used in written matter to surround
expressions when the writer wants to distance himself from a
term, as if to say ``so-called'', i.e., ``This is what some
people would say, but I would not necessarily phrase it that
way.'' A good example from {NW} is:
<<O Timothy, guard what is laid
up in trust with you, turning away from the empty speeches
that violate what is holy and from the contradictions of the
falsely called ``knowledge.''>>
(1Ti 6:20) Some people may think of it as knowledge,
but it doesn't amount to much if it is false. <<Aunt Bertha anxiously awaited the
visit of the ``Reverend'' Muneesuck.>> He and others may regard the man
as reverend,[163] and others may use
the title without thinking about its meaning, but we
certainly don't and won't. Though easily overdone, this use of
quotes is frequent among Jehovah's Witnesses, who prefer to
disassociate themselves from almost everything that is a part
of this world.
[163] Reverend means ``worthy of profound adoring awed
The Glossary of American English Hacker
Theocratese is written and maintained by
Lynn D.
Last modified: Wed May 6 21:13:50 MST 1998