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STORY: One cannot always know when a national anthem will be played. Once we sat in the front row at a concert by the South African singing group Ladysmith Black Mumbazo. We enjoyed the concert very much, and certainly demonstrated our appreciation with vigorous applause throughout. Our daughter was even invited up to the stage for a participational number. It happens that this group is much involved in the political affairs of its country, in part because of its fame in places outside of South Africa. This concert was just a couple of months before the first national election was held in which blacks were permitted to vote. At the conclusion of the concert one of the singers stepped forward and explained these matters to the audience and invited all present to stand while the group sang the South African national anthem. We were definitely caught off guard by this, but of course everyone in our group remained seated. Surely we were noticed, since we were sitting only 15 feet from the lead singer. In addition, the auditorium was inclined giving a clear view to attendees of everything in front. There were no adverse consequences from this. The only comment anyone made as we left was from someone who asked if our daughter was planning on going into show business.
NOTE: Neutrality is not apathy. Many Christians have lost their lives because of taking a neutral stand. Apathetic persons without conviction will ultimately compromise and take sides to save their skins. (Job 2:4)
The facts are confirmed by the following quote from the Proclaimers book. [jv 607-8] The footnote is part of the quote. I added the slanted font emphasis myself:
[a] This translation was assigned to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania for publication, with the request that the names of the translators never be published. They wanted all honor to go to Jehovah God, the Divine Author of his inspired Word.
To what degree the Committee depended on outside assistance will never be known, and is irrelevant. The important point to remember is that it is here documented that the entire Committee was made up of spirit-anointed men.
A translation of similar purpose, the Greek Septuagint version was produced in about the third century BCE for the use of Greek-speaking Jews, who were God's people at the time. It was still being used in Jesus' day. [si 307] It was a translation that likely was made with God's own approval and direction. It is my personal opinion that the New World Translation will ultimately come to be regarded in the same light as the Septuagint version.
NOTE: The New World Society exists today and will continue to exist for all eternity; it is not something we are waiting for the {new world} to bring. <<We want to welcome our newly baptized brothers and sisters to the New World Society.>>
The Glossary of American English Hacker
Theocratese is written and maintained by
Lynn D.
Last modified: Wed May 6 21:04:58 MST 1998
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