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Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese

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=== J ===

A scriptural and therefore proper short form of Jehovah's name. It occurs 50 times in the Hebrew Scriptures. The first is at Exodus 15:1, 2. Though I have avoided listing most Bible names in this Glossary, I included this one because it is widely used among Jehovah's Witnesses, but is otherwise not well known. Many persons who freely use the expression ``Hallelujah'' are unaware that its literal meaning is ``Praise Jah, you people!''
AMOOFL used in electronic communication for {Jesus Christ}. There is no such abbreviation for Jehovah, though the Bible itself uses the shortened form {Jah}. See {abbrevaition} for a discussion of the propriety of using such shortened forms.
Intolerance of rivalry. Most people regard jealousy as a wholly negative quality, something rooted in insecurity, that makes one envious, selfish, and suffocatingly possessive of the attention of others. The Bible teaches that it may be a positive quality. Jehovah is spoken of as being jealous for his name and insistent on exclusive devotion, for the good of all who wish to live in his universe. (See Exo 34:14.) <<Paul told the Corinthians he was jealous over them with a godly jealousy.>> (2Co 11:2)
God's holy name. (Isa 42:8; Psa 83:18) Some brothers use Jehovah's name in public prayer in nearly every sentence, as a filler, and others use it two or three times in a single sentence. When used in such a way it becomes a meaningless mannerism. [w86 5/15 21-23] A brother from California urged me to be sure to point out that some brothers in his home town pronounce God's name Je-HO-ver. Sadly, quite a few Witnesses whose only language is English actually misspell God's name as ``Jehova''. Do these people ever study, or even bother to read the Bible or the magazines?

NOTE: Never criticize brothers who offer public prayer for their words offered from the heart. On the rare occasion that something genuinely inappropriate is said, trust that Jehovah was listening and will care for any correction that may be needed.

Jehovah's Bystander
One who {associates} with Jehovah's people for years, but never takes a stand for the {Truth}. Such people sometimes deceive themselves with false reasoning into believing they are Jehovah's Witnesses. (Compare Jam 1:22.) A statement frequently heard among Witnesses about persons of this disposition is <<He knows it's the truth, but he doesn't want to accept the responsibility.>>
Jehovah's people, God's people
Close synonyms for ``Jehovah's Witnesses''. These terms focus attention on who we are, rather than what we do. <<Hitler's hatred for the Truth led him to attempt to wipe Jehovah's people off the face of the earth.>>
Jehovah's Witnesses
The identifying name Jehovah himself selected for his people. (Isa 43:10-12) Jehovah has had witnesses all through history, all the way back to Abel. Today all of them are Christians, so the fuller designation ``Jehovah's Christian Witnesses'' is sometimes heard. Even when the word Christian is not included, it is implied.

Until 1976 witnesses appeared in The Watchtower in lower case. Then in the April 1st issue, for what was apparently the first time, it appeared as ``Witnesses'', in upper case, in the third item under ``Insight on the News''. The change to upper case did not find its way into the blurb explaining the purpose of the magazine on the inside cover until the August 15, 1976 issue.

Although almost all {dedicated} and {baptized} persons are {active} in the preaching activity, the {Society}, in reporting numbers of Witnesses in various areas counts only those who are active as publishers, i.e., those who actually witness, whether baptized or not. The number of unbaptized publishers is probably roughly equal to the number of baptized ones who are {irregular} or {inactive}, effectively canceling out any inaccuracy conveyed by the statistic.

NOTE: Just as the work Jehovah has assigned his people is sometimes difficult to do, so the name he has given us is sometimes difficult to explain. It is grammatically correct to use the indefinite article and singular form. <<He is a Jehovah's Witness.>> However, it is awkward because it does not sound right to follow the indefinite article with a possessive, even though it is used functionally as a modifier.

Personally, I almost never use that form, but prefer to use the more verbose form. <<He is one of Jehovah's Witnesses.>> It is probably because of this awkwardness that some people, including a few Witnesses, have sometimes resorted to an ungrammatical form that drops the possessive. <<He is a Jehovah Witness.>> Not!! This expression is illiterate and a sign of great ignorance. But there is nothing wrong with just saying ``He is a Witness.'' (See {Witness}.)

Some people in the world refer to us as ``Jehovahs''. <<You Jehovahs are always knocking on my door!>> I have never heard anyone solidly based in the {Truth} use that form.

Jerusalem Bible
One of the standard Roman Catholic translations of the Bible in English.
Jesus Christ
The son of God, firstborn of all creation, who was sent from heaven to live as a man, teach about God's Kingdom, and die as a ransom sacrifice, bringing the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty, the sanctification of his holy name, and salvation to those who want it. You already knew that. The reasons Jesus is listed in the Glossary are first for completeness, because I have also listed {Jehovah}, and second because most people in {Christendom} believe something entirely different about who Jesus was. Explaining it further is beyond the scope of this Glossary. For more information, see the Insight book. [it]
Jesus fish
See {ichthus}.
Jonadab, Jehonadab [obs]
Alternate spellings for the name of a loyal helper of King Jehu in Jehu's mission to annihilate Baal worship out of Israel. As such he prefigured the class of individuals Jesus describes as {sheep} in his illustration of the sheep and goats, and also the {great crowd},[114] persons who will enjoy {everlasting life} on earth. Jonadab's name came to be used as a label to identify persons with this hope, so that Witnesses, upon becoming newly acquainted would ask each other: <<Are you a Jonadab or anointed?>> Our current {Publisher Record card} has a field to check showing whether a person claims to be one of the {anointed} or {other sheep}. A reader tells me that in past days instead of ``other sheep'' it said ``Jehonadab''.
[114] ``Great multitude'' in KJ.
A common term for ``magazine''. <<We would like to offer you the latest copies of these journals, The Watchtower and Awake!>> This is an entirely correct use of the term, though it may sound a bit formal to some.
judicial action
A course taken by a {judicial committee} in resolving a suspected case of wrongdoing. Normally the term is associated with a negative outcome, such as disfellowshipping or removal from office of oversight. <<The disfellowshipping form sent to the Society requires that the date of judicial action be recorded.>> It could refer to a clearing of the charges, but in such cases, it would be more common to say: <<No judicial action was taken.>>

NOTE: These days the {politically correct} term when talking about unconfirmed bad acts is alleged. But anyone can make allegations; the elders don't appoint a {judicial committee} until it has been seen that there is a basis for it.

judicial committee
A group of at least three elders assigned to handle a case of wrongdoing in the congregation. (Compare {appeal committee}.) <<Brother Fairman would not serve on the judicial committee dealing with his brother-in-law in order to avoid the threat of unintentional partiality.>>

NOTE: Unbelievers have criticized the Christian arrangement for judging and when necessary {disfellowshipping} wrongdoers, overlooking that the practice is sanctioned in God's Word. (1Co 5:11-13) But consider the superiority of the theocratic judicial process as compared to what takes place in today's courts. The modern judicial system is not designed to serve true justice. Paid lawyers on one side have the job of convicting an accused person, and paid lawyers on the other side have the job of defending him; both try their best to win regardless of the actual guilt or innocence of the accused one. Under the theocratic judicial arrangement all persons assigned to judge a case are concerned first of all about finding out the truth of what happened, and if wrongs have been committed, with helping to restore the errant one's relationship with Jehovah, nursing him back to good spiritual health. It is only in a case when a patently unrepentant sinner refuses to be helped that disfellowshipping must take place, for the protection of the congregation and ultimate good of even the wrongdoer, who may be shocked into an appreciation for Jehovah's righteous standards. (Compare 2Sa 24:14.)

AMOOFL for {Jehovah's Witness}. This form appears frequently in email between Witnesses, and is also used by {unbelievers}. A drunken man on a bus once told me: <<When I wash in duh army we ushed to hate you JWs.>>

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The Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese is written and maintained by

Lynn D. Newton

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Last modified: Wed May 6 12:53:27 MST 1998