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One poor speech habit that can appear comical is seen when a speaker's gestures are out of sync with his words, perhaps because he has marked certain ones in his notes just before he needs to use them, and is tied too closely to the notes. <<And so, brothers [points thumb back over shoulder], let us avoid looking behind [points forefinger forward], but look only forward, to the future!>> The gestures need to be timed to be seen on the words behind and forward, not several words early.
In 1991, {OKM} in the USA recommended that families living outside the boundaries of the territory assigned to their congregations give serious thought to changing congregations. This led to a massive migration, particularly in dense urban areas where congregations are close together and there is a lot of overlap. Before the moving around started one sister was heard to say: <<Are you going to be one of the loyal ones and go where you belong?>> Them's fightin' words, lady! Some people were moved to ask whether it was more important to belong where you go than to go where you belong. Eventually everything worked out just fine, as it always does in Jehovah's organization.
[92] March 1996
NOTE: The {GB} is not ``head'' over the faithful and discreet slave any more than a literal mouth is the whole head of a body. [w93 12/15 22, par. 22] The diagram in the style of a business organization chart that follows is an imitation of the one in [w77 16]. Notice that the Governing Body box is a cutout section at the bottom of the Faithful and Discreet Slave Class box, not a separate box above it.
NOTE: Some people say they are of the great crowd when they really mean they are of the other sheep. Although they may ultimately come to be a part of the great crowd, considering that this group is formed by those who survive the {great tribulation}, and because any person could die between now and then, it is technically premature for any person to presume that he personally will be a survivor. <<``Are you one of the anointed?'' ``No, I am one of the great crowd.''>> Not! Yet. Nevertheless, as the ``Questions From Readers'' in [w95 4/15 31] urged us, we should not be too picky about the precise terminology others use in this case.
The Glossary of American English Hacker
Theocratese is written and maintained by
Lynn D.
Last modified: Wed May 6 12:47:36 MST 1998
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