Glossary of American English Hacker
=== K ===
- keen appreciation
Keen means finely sharpened, intense, or enthusiastic. The
word combination keen appreciation, albeit
well-intended, has become an overused cliché. <<Strive to maintain keen
appreciation for divine direction.>> [w80 3/1] My online literature
collection includes the word keen 419 times, and forms
of the word appreciate in the immediate context 67
times. The status of the word keen is not helped by the
fact that in past years it was a nearly meaningless slang term
used by children and younger teenagers. <<That bike of yours is really
[115] Substitute the word cool for keen and
you have an equivalent expression. What does it tell you
about the bike? Nothing other than the speaker admires it
for some reason. It has nothing to do with its temperature.
- keynote address
Every {convention} has a
title and a theme scripture as its basis. On the first day of
each convention the keynote address is presented, which
develops the central idea of the whole convention.
- KH
AMOOFL for {Kingdom Hall}.
- King James Version
Popular name for the Authorized Version of the English
translation of the Bible (KJ), published in 1611, so-called
because the work was authorized by King James of England.
Publishing a Bible was such a controversial endeavor in those
days that it took a king's approval to prevent being burned at
the stake for it.
- King of kings
and Lord of lords
This expression, found at Revelation 19:16, and
in reverse at Revelation 17:14, is
sometimes misread as ``Kings of Kings and
Lords of Lords'', and less frequently as ``King of
King and Lord of Lord''. Boo, hiss!!! Think about what the
expression says: Jesus is the King (singular, capitalized)
over all other kings (plural, lower case), i.e., an emperor,
and the Lord (singular, capitalized) over all other lords
(plural, lower case). The expression ``king of kings'' is also
used once by Daniel in reference to the emperor
Nebuchadnezzar. (Dan
- Kingdom good news
Closely akin to {Kingdom
message}. It is good news because it means the sanctifying
of God's name, the cleansing of the earth, and eternal life in
perfect conditions for those who listen to it. <<The relief that the Kingdom good
news has brought to people in the {former Soviet Union}
has resulted in thousands of new worshipers streaming into
Jehovah's organization.>>
- Kingdom Hall
Principal meeting place used by {congregations} of {Jehovah's Witnesses}.
<<The best way to test the
truthfulness of what Jehovah's Witnesses are saying is to
attend a few meetings at a Kingdom Hall yourself.>>
- Kingdom Hall Fund
Monies managed by the {Society}
for the purpose of assisting congregations to build {Kingdom Halls} inexpensively
and quickly. <<This week there
were several checks in the Society's Kingdom Hall Fund
contribution box.>> (See {contribution box}.)
- Kingdom interests
The affairs and concerns of the Kingdom of God and its people
and activities. Jesus urged his disciples to ``seek first
[God's] Kingdom''. (Mat
6:33) Therefore, especially in view of the critical
times we live in, one of the most frequent urgings published
in the Society's literature and taught from the platform, is
always to be seeking Kingdom interests, giving these the first
place in our lives. This involves not only our service, but
our personal conduct, family life, job, and every detail of
how we live our lives. <<Many
people have sold homes and other possessions, changed careers,
and even moved to foreign lands in order to further Kingdom
interests.>> If it were a mere
matter of increasing our quantity of field service, then those
who accomplish less in this would be subject to the charge of
not putting Kingdom interests first. But there is a
time and a place for everything. (Ecc 3:1) <<``Well, I didn't see you
out in service last Saturday morning.'' ``No; I was in labor
at the time, and thought my screaming might detract from the
Kingdom message, so I stayed at the hospital.''>>
- Kingdom message
The focal point of the {preaching} done by {Jehovah's Witnesses}.
In the {last days} the essence
of the message is that Jehovah established his Messianic
Kingdom in the heavens in 1914, with his son Jesus Christ as
King, for the purpose of sanctifying his own name, cleansing
the earth, and bringing salvation to mankind, and that we are
now living in the last days of this system of things.
- Kingdom Ministry
Training school for {elders}.
Several of these have been presented over the years, varying
in length from a number of weeks to two days. The most recent
included a day's training for {ministerial servants}.
<<The Society is conducting a
Kingdom Ministry School on December 23rd and 24th for the
elders and on December 25th for the ministerial servants,
taking advantage of the availability of facilities that will
exist because of the {worldly holiday}.>>
- Kingdom song
1. Any song found in a songbook used at the meetings of
Jehovah's Witnesses. <<Whenever
a new book of Kingdom songs is published, people complain that
they are unsingable.[116]>> 2. Songs that Witnesses write
dealing with Biblical themes may properly be termed ``Kingdom
songs'', though they are not published by the Society. <<Brother Twangentweeter donated six
original Kingdom songs to the Society to use in any way that
suits them.>> <<A rumor has been circulating that
if you play the Kingdom songs backwards, you will hear secret
messages that say ``Go in service'', ``Eat more
burritos'',[117] and ``Don't save
[116] They aren't. The real problem is that most people
can't sing.
[117] A popular assembly lunch item in the days when we had
food service.
- Kingdom, Kingdom of God
The theme of Jesus' preaching, and the only hope for mankind.
(Mat 4:17)
- KJ
{AMOOFL} used by the Society and
by scholarly publications to refer to the {King James Version} of
the Bible, otherwise known as the Authorized Version.
- KM
1. AMOOFL for {Kingdom Ministry}.
<<ID cards are required to get
in the door at KM School in order to protect us all from
unwelcome intruders.>> 2.
Sometimes an AMOOFL used instead of the more correct OKM for
Our Kingdom Ministry. (An easy mistake to make;
its publication code is [km].) <<I need two more KMs for my
- knowledge, understanding,
1. The Bible makes a distinction between knowledge,
understanding, and wisdom. Knowledge is familiarity with facts
and raw information. Understanding is comprehension of related
facts allowing one to perceive the underlying reasons and
significance of matters. Wisdom is sound judgment based on
knowledge, and understanding enables one to use it
successfully to solve problems. The Insight book
[it] has separate entries on each of these three topics. (See
also {accurate
knowledge}.) 2. At our 1995 district conventions the book
Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life was
released. This outstanding Bible teaching aid has already
acquired the nickname the Knowledge book. (See {publication names}.) It
is designed to help new ones establish a foundation of basic
Bible knowledge more quickly than has been the case in using
the Live Forever book, which some have now dubbed
the Take Forever book, together with the
United in Worship book.
The Glossary of American English Hacker
Theocratese is written and maintained by
Lynn D.
Last modified: Wed May 6 12:54:23 MST 1998