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Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese

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=== H ===

A person who enjoys using computers more than ordinary users who use them just to get work done. <<Hackers spend time actively looking for new ways to use computers.>> Because computers are immensely useful in accomplishing many different kinds of necessary work, this pursuit is not altogether a waste of precious time, even for busy Christians, as some persons think.
{Transliteration} of the Greek equivalent of {Sheol}, meaning the common grave of mankind. (See more at {hell}.)
Most brothers wear their hair fairly short, especially if they hope to be assigned privileges of responsibility in the congregation. This issue falls into the same category as {beards}, {mustache}, and other matters concerned with {dress and grooming}. <<Because my wife is a hairdresser, the week before every assembly or CO visit our kitchen fills with brothers getting haircuts.>>
1. Short for Kingdom Hall. <<Oops, I left my Bible at the hall.>> 2. Informal substitute for ``congregation'', regardless of how many congregations meet in the building. <<The friends from your hall can meet for service in the front, and our hall will meet in the library.>> Obviously these are two congregations that occupy the same Kingdom Hall, making this a careless use of the term hall. This is another one of those you-know-what-I-mean expressions.
The presence or absence of volunteers to comment at meetings, as indicated by the raising of their hands to be called on. <<Do you ever have to deal with a lack of hands at your meetings?>> The questioner is asking if people are reticent to comment. <<We have only two paragraphs left, so I'm looking for new hands. Ah yes, Sister Payne, in the rear.[95]>>
[95] Witness {legend} has it that such a call was actually made once.
Literally to make happy. It is a {fuddy-duddy} term used mainly by older brothers and by younger brothers attempting to sound like older brothers. I found forms of the word 21 times in my online literature collection. <<The application of Christ's ransom will lead to the happification of mankind.>> Blech! A nice thought, but sadifyingly stated.
The nine initial declarations Jesus made in his Sermon on the Mount that each begin ``Happy are ...'' (Mat 5:3-11) (Compare {beatitudes}.)
{Transliteration} of the word for God's great final war as found at Revelation 16:16 in {NW}, more commonly known both inside and outside the Truth as {Armageddon}.
hard copy
A hacker term referring to a copy of some piece of computer generated literature printed on paper. Persons who use computers full time do much reading of computer produced material directly from a computer terminal, rather than printing it out first. Thus when sharing computer based information with someone else, the default assumption is that the other person will want an electronic copy if possible. If a printed copy is desired, this must be specified. <<I don't have those experiences told at the Bethel table online, so I will send you a hard copy someone gave me, which you may photocopy and pass around.>>
A pleasing or congruent arrangement of parts. Something observed at the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses, except during the singing of songs. <<The modern-day {elder arrangement} is in harmony with the organization of the first century congregation.>>
1. Dislike to an extent that calls for utter rejection, loathing, and contempt. Persons who have heard that God is love and that Christians are obligated to love even their enemies may find it difficult to reconcile the idea that God could ever hate anyone or anything. (1Jo 4:8; Mat 5:44) But the Bible shows that Jehovah hates all forms of wickedness, and requires his servants to cultivate the same attitude. (Pro 6:16-19; Psa 139:21, 22; Psa 97:10) 2. The Bible uses hate in a relative sense, meaning to love less. (Luk 14:26) In ordinary conversation we do not go around saying things like: <<In order to serve Jehovah acceptably you must hate your mother!>> without surrounding the statement with a lot of explanation. Under normal circumstances it is just as apropos to say: <<We must love Jesus and Jehovah even more than our own family members.>>
hath [obs]
See {common archaisms}.
have a nice day
The most common formula used to conclude an unsuccessful {door-to-door} visit, the Alberti bass[96] of house-to-house dronings, sometimes spoken automatically or inappropriately, regardless of what the householder last said. <<``I'm not interested.'' ``OK, have a nice day!''>> The person has just turned down an opportunity to learn how to live forever in God's new world. His day couldn't possibly get any worse. <<``I can't talk now; my wife and children were just killed in an accident and I have to go to the morgue to identify them.'' ``Oh, OK then, I'll just leave this tract on happy family life. Have a nice day!''>>
[96] That's a little music joke.
AMOOFL for {home but hiding}.
head covering
A garment such as a hat or scarf, worn by {sisters} when they must act in a capacity normally handled by brothers. <<At times small congregations may be composed entirely of sisters. When such is the case, a sister who prays or conducts meetings does so with [her] head properly covered.>> ([om 77]; 1Co 11:3-16)
head, headship
The principle recorded at 1 Corinthians 11:3 that outlines the chain of authority within Jehovah's organization.[97] The headship principle is the cornerstone upon which all theocratic order is founded. From the headship principle we learn that no living intelligent creature other than Jehovah himself is independent and without need to recognize a head, i.e., a ruling chief. It shows us that ultimately each living intelligent creature is accountable to God. The principle of headship is not popular in this world, where the spirit of independence has become pervasive. (Eph 2:2) <<Recognition of [Jesus'] headship over the Christian congregation is ... necessary and it is important to observe, in a relative sense, the principle of subjection in other areas of life.>> [om 12]
[97] In a worldly organization it would be called ``the pecking order''.
headquarters, world headquarters
The location of the central offices of {Jehovah's Witnesses}. These are located in Brooklyn, NY, USA. The branch offices all over the world work under the direction of the {world headquarters}.
health fads
New unstandard health practices. Some people act as though they have two religions: the worship of Jehovah, and a fetishistic devotion to some newfound health regimen. The second religion generally doesn't do anything more for them than Catholicism. Such schemes abound. There are health improvement methods that emphasize diet, vitamins, herbs, exercise, physical therapy, and psychological counseling, and some that appear to most persons to be far-fetched. <<Brother and Sister Tubalard have invited us to their seminar, ``Weight Loss Through the Interpolation of Seismic Energies.''>> Some have gotten sufficiently carried away by such practices that the Society has had to publish warnings against placing too much emphasis on physical health, while ignoring matters of spiritual health. (See the articles ``Good Health to You!'' and ```Good Health' and Christian Reasonableness''. [w82 6/15]) Some practices that work by irrational and unexplainable means need to be examined for the possibility of demon influence.

NOTE: The Society frequently publishes information about new health practices, but always with the caveat: ``It is not the policy of Awake! to underwrite any treatment. We encourage all to look circumspectly at ... different avenues in the treatment of [any] disease.'' [g94 4/89 10]

heavenly hope
The expectations for future life entertained by persons whom God's spirit has begotten as {spiritual Israelites}. (Gal 6:16) They have been moved by God to believe that they will die as humans on the earth and be raised to serve as kings and priests in the heavenly Kingdom of Jehovah under Jesus, to continue serving and living there forever. <<On earth today there are about 8,645 persons claiming to have the heavenly hope.[98]>>
[98] According to the 1996 Yearbook. I wonder how many of us privately believe that number is inflated above the true number of anointed on the earth due to the probable existence of unworthy {partakers}, i.e., persons who think they are anointed but aren't? [w96 4/1 6-8]
heaving sighs
Making the sound ``Hhhhhhhhhhhh''. This is always an overt expression of consternation, usually aimed directly against another person. (Jam 5:9) <<When his wife's first word of the day is ``Hhhhhhhhhhhh'' instead of ``Good morning!'', he knows he's in for a tough day.[99]>>
[99] Does the term ``season in hell'' mean anything to you?
heavy metal
A style of rock and roll music characterized by extremes of every kind, including overt promotion of {Satanism}. Young people are particularly prone to be influenced by it. (See the article ``Satanism's Handmaidens --- Drugs and Heavy-Metal Music'' in [g94 9/22].)
Hebrew Scriptures
The portion of the Bible written originally almost entirely in the Hebrew language, except for a few brief portions in Aramaic, namely the books from Genesis to Malachi. Christendom refers to this portion of the Bible by the misnomer {Old Testament}. <<Jesus resisted Satan's temptations by quoting three times from the Hebrew Scriptures.>> (Mat 4:3-10)
1. The word used to translate the Hebrew word {Sheol} and the Greek word {Hades} in some Bible translations. Hell has a fearful reputation in Christendom as a place of eternal torment, contrary to what the Bible teaches about it. It is because of the strong association people attach to this word that the translators of NW have chosen to transliterate the word and let the Bible's use of it define it. 2. Because of its unsavory reputation, hell has come to be a word commonly used in profanity. One sister cautiously described her territory saying: <<Winter here is basically H-E-double toothpicks![100]>> Because of Christendom's hellfire teaching, the commoner simile is to compare it to extreme heat, rather than extreme cold, but any conditions producing great misery usually qualify. (Compare {four-letter words}.)
[100] She pioneered by bicycle in Finland when it was -40 degrees F, so she earned the right to gripe.
The demonic religious teaching that after death wicked souls go to a place of eternal fiery torment and horror, from which they have no hope of escaping. Following a famous debate on the issue Brother Russell was approached by a clergyman in attendance who said: ``I am glad to see you turn the hose on hell and put out the fire.'' The belief is no longer as strong as it once was, though it still has its strong adherents among some {Fundamentalists}. (See [jv 128-30], also {Hades}, {hell}, and {damnation}.)
helps us to appreciate
A much overused formula used as a transition to an application, meaning the thing spoken of illustrates, demonstrates, or otherwise illuminates some point. <<So this scripture helps us to appreciate that Jehovah is good.>> Any number of phrases could be substituted extemporaneously.
A follower who gives support primarily for personal advantage. The word is similar to {crony}, and like it always seems to be used in a negative context, in the plural, and may be nearing obsolescence. I even found the two words together in one sentence: <<... the former president's crooked cronies and henchmen.>> [w91 10/1] Also found in my online literature collection were <<the pope's henchmen, Hitler and his henchmen, the Devil's religious henchmen, false religion and its political patrons and henchmen, ``Reverend'' Jones and his henchmen>>, and a few other notorious examples.
A ruling body of {clergy}, with constituents ranked into a pecking order. There is no such thing in Jehovah's {theocracy}. The first definition for `hierarchy' in one version of the Internet Webster's says: ``a division of angels''. This is a bit overstated in the case of the clergy. (Compare 2Th 2:3, 4.)

NOTE: Many worldly organizations rank and rate their members, e.g., police, clubs, scouting, and like paramilitary groups. It is common English slang to speak of achieving a particular level as `making' it, e.g., a Boy Scout might say ``I'm hoping to make eagle by the end of the year'', or a recently promoted policeman might say ``I made lieutenant last month''. On rare occasions brothers have been heard to say something like this: ``I've been working on my teaching skills in hopes that I will make elder the next CO visit.'' Yikes! Such a statement betrays a wrong point of view toward {privileges} of service.

high heels
See {pantyhose}.
high time
Direly urgent, necessary, requiring action. This expression was found 21 times in my online literature collection. The phrase conveys a sense of impatience. <<Instead of speculating on the exact day and hour for [Christ's Millennium] to come, it is now high time to take in knowledge of God's requirements for survival.>> [w90 6/1] One can almost imagine a speaker conveying it with such fervor that he pounds his fist on the table for emphasis. <<I'm [thunk] tired of all this lollygagging about, and I say it's [thunk] high [thunk] time we [thunk] do something about it!>>
higher education
Formally acquired learning beyond the minimum required by law. (See more at {education}.) How `high' it goes (the amount), how high it is (its worth), and how necessary it is, are matters for personal evaluation. This has been a subject that has provoked strong {opinions} in both extremes among Jehovah's people. Discussing it further here is beyond the scope of this Glossary, and would be about as productive as poking a pit bull with a stick.
AMOOFL for {Hospital Information Services}.
AMOOFL for {Hospital Liaison Committee}.
holiday greetings
During certain times of the year it is common for people to share often perfunctory expressions of holiday greetings, such as ``Merry Christmas!'' It is considered polite to return the greeting. Because Jehovah's Witnesses do not participate in any way in worldly celebrations we do not respond in like manner. This can lead to some ticklish situations. It is not usually our desire to start a big discussion about how Christmas is really a pagan rite that dishonors God with the kid bagging our groceries, who is only trying to be friendly and is in any case busy doing his job. Most Christians find it adequate to utter a quiet ``Thank you'' without returning the greeting.
holiday, worldly holiday
The word holiday literally means ``holy day''. The only day Christians are scripturally commanded to observe as holy is the annual {Memorial} of Christ's death.

Holidays vary in different parts of the world. In the USA the six standard national holidays, on which most businesses are closed and people are off work, are: New Year's Day (January 1st); Memorial Day (last Monday in May); Independence Day (July 4th); Labor Day (first Monday in September); Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November); Christmas (December 25th). Some places grant Good Friday (the Friday before Easter Sunday), and others substitute a personal holiday, to be taken anytime during the year. Because such days, whether religious or secular, are not of divine origin, and so not obligatory upon Christians, we rightly regarded them as worldly.[101] The qualifier says in one word: ``Although the day is nationally observed, *we* don't believe there is anything holy or special about it.'' <<Since December 25th is a worldly holiday and many people are likely to be home, there will be a meeting for field service that morning.>>

[101] We are happy to accept a day's pay for staying away from work, or double for showing up, if that is the arrangement our employer offers!

NOTE: Avoiding holiday entanglements is no longer a matter of merely making discreet plans on a few days a year. In the USA there is a year-end ``holiday season'' that gets longer each year. It used to begin a couple of days before Thanksgiving, taper off until mid-December, and then end on New Year's Day. Now it begins in mid-October with the appearance of the first Halloween pumpkins and decorations, and continues until Superbowl, the last Sunday in January.

NOTE: Merely referring to a holiday by name does not mean that one observes it. <<We couldn't get away this month, but maybe we will be able to come and visit you next Christmas.>> The speaker is not planning to come and celebrate the festival, but is merely using the holiday name as a convenient label, in the knowledge that many people have time off of work at the end of each year. (Compare {birthday}.)

Holy Scriptures
A synonym for the collection of writings that collectively came to be called the {Bible}. (See also {Word of Jehovah}.)
home Bible study
More official phrase for {Bible study}. The fuller term is used because most studies are conducted in the homes of {interested persons}. But many are conducted in other places, e.g., at work or school during lunch break, at the Kingdom Hall, even in prisons.[102] <<My mother-in-law has conducted home Bible studies with people living on sailboats.>>
[102] But I guess that's a sort of home, too.
home but hiding
An expression used to describe a {call} where someone is obviously home but has chosen not to answer the door. Sometimes we know someone is home because we catch them peeking out from behind a curtain. Most persons write off such calls as {not-interesteds}, though some will mark them down as {not-at-homes}.
home school
To teach children at home rather than sending them to school. A disproportionate number of Witnesses teach their children at home. {Opinions} on the value of this practice are typically as heated as they are varied. Some home school their children in order to shield them from dangers that come from exposure to the {world}. Others recognize that the quality of education in public schools these days is exceptionally poor. A few children come to be ashamed to be known as Witnesses by their associates at school in earlier grades. Their parents rescue them from total breakdown by allowing them to stay home, but make them take correspondence courses instead. Sometimes they even help them with the work, if they are qualified.[103] Untrained parents usually find this too difficult a task to handle and give it up after allowing their children to be inadequately taught for a period of time. Some Witness parents argue that children need to learn early to take a stand for the {Truth}. Of course, many of their children go to public schools, don't take a stand for the Truth, but leap into worldly ways with both feet and never look back. Parents whose loving good motive and hard work has led to the successful rearing of Godly children, regardless of what choices in educational methodology they make, ought to be strongly commended.
[103] They rarely are.
honest-hearted one
One who is able to consider the exposition of scriptural truth objectively, not allowing prejudicial biases to {becloud} his thinking. The Bible notes that some persons are more predisposed to grasp the {Truth} than others. (Compare Act 13:48; 2Co 4:3, 4.) Persons who are able to put aside preconceptions are generally better able to let go of cherished religious ideas, cultural traditions, and social pressures, and so are quicker both to accept and to act on what they learn. (1Th 2:13) <<When the work opened up in the former Soviet Union, we were delighted to discover a great number of honest-hearted ones earnestly seeking the answers to life's questions.>>
True hope is trustful expectation based on strong {faith} and evidence. What the world perceives as hope is really hopelessness. <<``Do you believe that world conditions will ever get any better?'' ``I certainly hope so.''>> No, he certainly does not. He wishes they would, but sees no evidence to found that hope on, and is ignorant of God's promises for the future, so his hope is weak or nonexistent.
Adverbial form of hopeful, meaning literally ``in a manner that is full of hope''. Jehovah has caused his people to be the most hopeful people living. (Psa 37:9; Psa 145:15; Rom 15:13) But hopefully is often badly misused at the beginning of sentences. <<Hopefully, I will learn to speak English properly.>> This sentence, taken literally, can be interpreted to mean: ``I will learn to speak proper English in a manner characterized by hope''. This is a noble goal, but the speaker probably meant to convey the wish: <<I hope that I will learn to speak English properly.>> So do the rest of us, so we can understand him when he tells us about something important, such as God's promises for the future.
A crowd or swarm, a numberless uncontrollable mass of invariably annoying pests. Horde is another word that occurs in the Society's literature with greater frequency than in ordinary speech and writing. Of the 79 cases in my online literature 68 were in the plural, and perhaps a third were in relation to demons. <<The archangel Michael fights in behalf of God's Kingdom, taking the lead in cleansing the heavens of Satan and his demonic hordes.>> [w91 2/1 17, par. 10] Some other things seen to travel in hordes are: locusts (representing anointed Christians, but viewed as a plague by opposers of God's Kingdom), warriors of Pharaoh, Babylon, Assyria, Midian, Ammon, and Medo-Persia, also Nazis, and my personal favorite: hordes of evolutionists.
horse collar
Term allegedly used by Brother Rutherford[104] to describe the distinctive garb of Christendom's clergy, as in: <<Those horse-collared hypocrites!>> (Compare {flame}.)
[104] Second president of the Watch Tower Society.
Hospital Information Services
An office established in 1988 at world headquarters in Brooklyn to research the medical literature for nonblood medical management treatments, to develop and maintain records on cooperative surgeons, and to train and supervise selected elders to assist Jehovah's Witnesses in a time of medical need. [yb91 35]
Hospital Liaison Committee
A committee of specially trained elders acting under the direction of the Society's office of {Hospital Information Services}, assigned to act as liaisons between Witnesses and hospital medical personnel in defending their scriptural resolve to abstain from blood as medical treatment. There is a large network of these committees in the USA.[105] In addition to handling emergency situations, these brothers conduct informative presentations for the medical staff at hospitals. <<When Sister Splat was in an automobile accident, all the brothers from the Hospital Liaison Committee converged on the hospital within an hour.>> (See also {blood issue}, {blood transfusion}, and {blood card}.)
[105] And probably by now in other countries as well.
1. Generous and cordial reception of guests. 2. An arrangement found in many congregations in these parts to thank public speakers. Usually some family either takes the speaker and his family to a restaurant or has them over to their home for a meal and to visit. Sometimes this kindness is limited to those who visit from other congregations, especially those who have to travel a long distance, but in our congregation it has come to be extended to local brothers. This is not a Society sanctioned provision, but is widely practiced, and is certainly appreciated by those families to whom it is shown. <<We won't join the group for service after the meeting Sunday because we have hospitality.>> (Compare Rom 12:13.)
hour talk [obs]
Former term for a {public talk}. They used to be 55 minutes, plus five minutes for song and prayer. When they were shortened to 45 minutes, this term became obsolete, though some people still use it, thereby giving evidence that they have been around for a while. <<Brother Bigwind ran overtime on his hour talk; it was 50 minutes long.>> (Compare Job 16:2, 3, and add a big {smiley} afterward.)
The hours in service spent and reported by a publisher. <<I want to get out in midweek for a while because I need to get my hours up.>> A dubious motive. For caveats, see {time}.
house-over-house, door-over-door
A method of {door-to-door} {public witnessing} where teams of two to four people work leapfrog style, moving the same direction down the street, taking the next house available. <<We'll work house-over-house with the teenagers this morning so we can keep a closer eye on them.>> Sometimes people just say house-over. In United Kingdom, it is common to say door-over-door, a more generic way of describing the work; not everybody lives in a house.

NOTE: Most persons recognize that the coverage technique of starting at opposite ends of a stretch of {territory} and converging is usually preferable to working house-over-house. There are occasions where house-over-house is useful, such as when the territory's layout is complicated or homes are widespread, or when there is a need to stick close together, as in working with children or in dangerous territory.

See {door-to-door}.
house-to-house record
The S-8 form, used mostly to record {not-at-homes} and other pertinent field service data. Some people use them to record interest found, and transfer them directly to their {call books}. Sometimes it is called a ``not-at-home record''. In England it is usually called the S-8. <<Brothers, don't forget to pick up a supply of S-8s before leaving for the {ministry}.>>
1. A person found at home in the preaching work. <<The householder at the last door contributed to the {worldwide work}.>> 2. The sister who assists another sister in a {Theocratic Ministry School} {presentation}, whether she acts the part of a non-Witness or not. <<You are assigned to be my householder for the talk I am giving next week, and the setting I am using is ``Two sisters preparing for field service.''>> This is technically a misuse of the word. It has come to be accepted because so many {school} presentations use field {settings}. The term is used for field settings even when the partner is not at home, e.g., waiting for a bus or at work. Note that the S-89 form labels this person as ``Assistant'', not ``Householder''. 3. The person, male or female, who acts the part of a person being witnessed to, in a field {demonstration} such as is presented at the {Service Meeting}.
humor, laughter
Humor is that which is comical, amusing, or appealing to one's sense of the ludicrous or incongruous. The reaction to humor is often laughter. Persons who have studied humor have noticed how often things that strike people as funny have a negative side to them, e.g., the misfortunes of others. If laughing at such matters were forbidden, about all that would be left to laugh at would be cute kittens playing with a ball of yarn. If it were not a natural thing to laugh at the ridiculousness of ourselves and others, we would become depressed, and many would be moved to express the feelings that provoke laughter via destructive behaviors. So laughter appears to be a natural mechanism for relieving stress. Laughing at some circumstances rather than worrying about them seems to have a beneficial effect on the psyche. Some have said it is almost the same as crying. This observation enforces the notion that humor is a deep subject, and emanates from a complex combination of emotions. Humor is therefore by nature sometimes a little raw, as this Glossary surely demonstrates.

NOTE: On occasion, humorists, especially professional comedians, push the limits of propriety, and often overstep the bounds. There are appropriate and inappropriate occasions for laughter. (Ecc 3:4) Jesus did not tell funny stories when he taught, but some Christian elders today do so with good effect, and without polluting the seriousness of the Bible subject matter. The best humor seems to be that which arises spontaneously, like a cool breeze on a hot day, and then fades away and is quickly forgotten.

A song of praise to God, frequently sung at religious meetings. {Kingdom songs} certainly fit that description, but we don't call them hymns. This word belongs entirely to {Babylon}.
A form of illustration that uses great exaggeration to make its point. One famous example is where Jesus said: <<It is easier, in fact, for a camel to get through the eye of a sewing needle than for a rich man to get into the kingdom of God.>> (Luk 18:25) (See the Insight book [it] article on NEEDLE'S EYE for a good explanation.)

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The Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese is written and maintained by

Lynn D. Newton

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Last modified: Wed May 6 12:50:08 MST 1998