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Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese

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=== Z ===

Eagerness bordering on fervent passion in pursuit of something. Zeal is related to {fanaticism}, except that zeal usually means great enthusiasm in a positive sense, whereas fanaticism implies blind unreasoning devotion. Zeal is normally considered a ``good thing'', especially in connection with spiritual matters. When Jesus threw merchants out of the temple in Jerusalem, his disciples realized it was in fulfillment of the prophecy that says: <<Sheer zeal for your house has eaten me up.>> (Psa 69:9) However, the throwees probably viewed Jesus' zeal as fanaticism. The adjective zealous is sometimes mispronounced ZEL-ee-us. (Compare {grievous}.)

NOTE: Concerning speaking with zeal---what a person is in everyday life has an impact on his speaking. If a person is lukewarm in speaking about the Truth in ordinary circumstances, then gets up and gives a passionate talk full of exhortation and expressions from the heart, it may ring false. Some people sense that this is so, and it inhibits their freeness of speech. The only real solution is to be zealous for the Truth at all times.

All the branch offices are grouped into zones in the same way that congregations make up {circuits} and circuits make up {districts}.
zone overseer
A brother who periodically visits and serves each of the branches throughout the earth.
zone servant [obs]
Former term for {zone overseer}.

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The Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese is written and maintained by

Lynn D. Newton

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Last modified: Wed May 6 21:29:38 MST 1998