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Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese

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=== V ===

vacation pioneering [obs]
See {temporary pioneering}.
AMOOFL for ``video cassette recorder'', an electronic gadget for playing and recording video tapes. At one time these devices were widely believed to be a provision of the Devil, until it was realized that many of the brothers in affluent countries were buying them, upon which the Society began publishing video tapes. After that, many of the brothers who did not have VCRs rushed out to buy them. Now they are almost as common as TVs in the USA.
V.D.M. [obs]
Abbreviation for Verbi Dei Minister, i.e., Minister of the Divine Word. In 1916 the Society prepared a list of questions on scriptural subjects that men wishing to represent the Society as speakers were required to provide written answers to. On those who obtained a grade of 85 percent or better, the Society conferred the degree V.D.M. The entire list is published in [jv 215]. For obvious reasons the Society no longer awards titles or credentials to men.
A translation of the {Holy Scriptures} from the original languages into another tongue. It is proper to consider the {New World Translation} a Bible version, translated originally into English. It has been retranslated from English into numerous other languages, while being careful to make comparisons with the best collations of Bible manuscripts.
To demonstrate to be free from question of error, dishonor or guilt, to exonerate. Above all things Jehovah's {sovereignty} is in need of vindication because of the blasphemous charges Satan and his imitators have made concerning the rightness of God's rulership. Note that we no longer speak of Jehovah's name as being vindicated.[199] Rather, we speak of his name being {sanctified}. [w95 5/15 25, par. 17]
[199] We used to, but this is now recognized as a faulty use of the term.

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The Glossary of American English Hacker Theocratese is written and maintained by

Lynn D. Newton

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Last modified: Wed May 6 21:28:25 MST 1998