Glossary: For the Uninitiated | Go to Site Map |
Many non-Witnesses have read earlier versions of this Glossary. Although the orientation of this book is toward those who are experienced in the {Truth}, anyone is welcome to read it. A few {opposers} may even read with the intent of seeking inside information or statements that could be used to discredit Jehovah's Witnesses. They will find nothing of the kind herein. This book is entirely the work of its lone author, who worked independently and without the cooperation and knowledge of the {Watch Tower Society}, and who takes complete responsibility for what it says. Therefore, if anyone is discredited by what it says, it is only I myself.
Non-Witnesses who read this book out of general interest should be aware at the outset that Jehovah's Witnesses are not a closed society, not a {sect}, and not a {cult}; there is nothing secret about our beliefs or activities. In fact, our omnipresence is often the target of the jokes of comedians who can find nothing else about us to make jokes about. Therefore, you are openly invited to read and enjoy this book to the full. We want you to learn about the things that we know. Perhaps something in this book may even move you to find out more about the {Kingdom message} that Jehovah's Witnesses have been spreading throughout the earth.
You may be surprised to learn that in most ways Jehovah's Witnesses as a people are no different from anyone else. We work and live in the community like others, are known to be model citizens, have our share of problems and imperfections, and are different from others mainly in our singular devotion to the worship of Jehovah God, the Sovereign of the Universe.
The Watch Tower Society's videotape production Jehovah's Witnesses---The Organization Behind the Name is an outstanding introduction to Jehovah's Witnesses as a people, far better than this Glossary. If you have not seen it and would like to, any Witness is able to help you obtain a copy. Persons with Internet connections may find a basic introduction to our beliefs at the Watch Tower Society's official Web site:
The Glossary of American English Hacker
Theocratese is written and maintained by
Lynn D.
Last modified: Mon May 4 12:42:27 MST 1998
Glossary: For the Uninitiated
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